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Posts by Justin Hale

Vaccines, Mandates, and Disagreement

I have a close friend who recently they told me their views on vaccines, mandates, and masks, and now I see them differently. They were vocal and opinionated. I would be lying if I said it hasn’t affected our interactions. I really like my friend, but I feel they aren’t being reasonable or rational. Every time I think about talking with them, I get annoyed and irritated. What can I do?

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Retaking Your Pen: Learning to author your worth

Among the new additions to our revamped Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue course is a skill for receiving feedback we’ve dubbed “retaking your pen.” This skill—which has become THE key takeaway from the course for some learners—handles how to avoid letting negative or poorly delivered feedback upend your sense of self-worth. The importance of feedback …

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