Crucial Teams

Team Performance

Improve understanding, trust, connection and overall team dynamics with Crucial Teams, a course built on the Strength Deployment Inventory® (SDI®).


Effective Team Training

Is the human knot too intimate for your tastes? Did your scavenger hunt turn into a cutthroat competition? Or maybe the egg toss left you with egg on your face—and on your teammate’s?

Ditch the games for something different. Crucial Teams is built on the SDI, a workplace personality assessment based on five decades of social science research and more than five million assessments delivered. Discover team building that works.




The SDI is a scientifically validated personality assessment that helps people better understand themselves and others, particularly as it relates to their working relationships. Crucial Teams pairs the SDI assessment with skills to help teammates apply their insights and turn personality differences into performance advantages.

A Team-Building Course

Through instruction, reflection, videos, and team exercises, team members get to know each other’s core motives and unique strengths. They gain insights into conflict triggers and learn how to better manage feelings of friction. This team experience helps members develop greater appreciation for each other’s working styles and strengths, contributing to healthier relationships and more productive interactions.


Gain an understanding of different working styles and motives, and leverage differences for better collaboration.


Build unity by helping teams appreciate and apply their various strengths to a shared goal.


Understanding how to communicate to others’ motives contributes to improved engagement.


Both self-awareness and a generous view of others contributes to healthy workplace culture.

Learning Formats

Course Agenda

3 Sessions 7.5 hrs

1. Build Betters Teams & Choose a Generous View of People


  • Learn how the SDI can be leveraged to strengthen relationships and transform team performance.

  • Gain a clearer picture of what drives you—your core motives.

  • Discover your teammates’ motives and how to speak to those motivations to build understanding, connection, and empathy.

2. Develop a Deeper View of Strengths


  • Identify the behaviors that will help you and your teammates work effectively together.

  • Watch for behaviors you tend to overdo.

  • Understand the unique way that you and others respond in conflict.

3. Discover a Clearer View of Conflict & A New View of Teams


  • Notice the sources of personality friction on the team and how to prevent them from turning into conflict.

  • Re-think your perceptions about other people’s behavior and how that pushes you into conflict.

  • See relationships in a new way to achieve higher levels of team performance.

Course Agenda

5 Lessons 8 hrs

1. Build Better Teams
  • Learn how the SDI can be leveraged to strengthen relationships and transform team performance.
2. Choose a Generous View of People
  • Gain a clearer picture of what drives you—your core motives
  • Discover your teammates’ motives and how to speak to those motivations to build understanding, connection, and empathy.
3. Develop a Deeper View of Strengths
  • Identify the behaviors that will help you and your teammates work effectively together.
  • Watch for behaviors you tend to overdo.
4. Discover a Clearer View of Conflict
  • Understand the unique way that you and others respond in conflict.
  • Notice the sources of personality friction on the team and how to prevent it from turning into conflict.
  • Re-think your perceptions about other people’s behavior and how that pushes you into conflict.
5. A New View of Teams
  • See relationships in a new way to achieve higher levels of team performance.

Get Started

Teamworks takes more than talent. Improve the performance of your team with insights and skills to strengthen relationships and make interactions more effective. Complete the form to speak with a client advisor about Crucial Teams for your organization.

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Build Team Unity

While Crucial Teams provides deep insights and useful skills, people love it because it’s engaging and fun. We combine our award-winning instructional design with the world-class content of the SDI for an interactive course and team experience.

Observe the relationship between perspective and behavior.


Survey respondents who scored high on measures of self-awareness and understanding of others were ten times more likely to report high levels of commitment, trust, connection, and psychological safety in their organization than respondents who scored low on the measures.


Survey respondents who scored high on measures of self-awareness and understanding of others were five times more likely to report that people in their organization raise concerns and speak up directly than those who scored low on the measures.


Results from a survey of more than 800 people suggest that nearly half of a team’s performance (or lack thereof) can be explained by the quality of relationships on the team.


Eighty percent of survey respondents who scored high on measures of self-awareness and understanding of others also reported a healthy organizational culture, where teammates achieve goals and adapt to change.

Trusted by the world’s most innovative and successful organizations.