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Posts by Justin Hale

A First Look at the GTD Refresh

We are so excited to announce the refresh of our Getting Things Done (GTD) course. We’ve modernized the look and feel, updated key exercises, and created a more seamless delivery experience for trainers, regardless of whether you’re facilitating virtually or in person, or leading a blended cohort. Leading this refresh over the past nine months, …

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My Younger Employees Won’t Accept Feedback. What Can I Do?

I have a few people on my team that can’t take feedback. They aren’t bad employees, but when I try to give them constructive feedback they curl up in an emotional ball. I even had an employee walk out of the room and go home for the day because they couldn’t handle the feedback. I wasn’t firing them or even putting them on a performance plan. My friends tell me to chalk it up to sensitive “Millennials” and “Zoomers.” It’s true that many of them are junior members of the team, and I’m not sure what to do.

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