Crucial Skills®

A Blog by Crucial Learning

One Productive Minute

Welcome to One Productive Minute with Justin Hale

Give productivity guru Justin Hale just one minute and he’ll share a tip to help you better manage your time, energy, and workload. Learn simple skills—like how to better handle your email, create effective to-do lists, and get more of the right stuff done. Learn skills to become more productive with less stress.

Sound too good to be true?

Try us. Give Justin one minute. We’re confident that his tips will make the other 1,439 minutes of your day more productive.

Justin and team are the creators and trainers of Getting Things Done Training by VitalSmarts, a course to make you, your team, and your organization more productive.

1 thought

  1. Greg Scott

    I love the one productive minute podcasts. As a Crucial Learning trainer (and as a leadership development trainer) I am often recommending your content. I wish there was an easier way to search and sort them. I think if people can get to the one or two things that are really bugging them the value of the content will bring them back for more

    Greg Scott

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