Crucial Skills®

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6 thoughts on “One Simple Skill to Curb Unconscious Gender Bias”

  1. New Study: Women Judged More Harshly When Speaking Up Assertively - Press Room

    […] Senior Master Trainer Candace Bertotti, Aug. 11 at 1 p.m. EST. The white paper, and accompanying BS Guys video, offer reasons for the inequality, warnings about making snap judgments, and reveal a simple skill […]

  2. thatduncan

    It makes me sad that the solution suggested is “Hey, women, reframe how you speak,” rather than “Men, stop being so sexist.”
    The problem ISN’T with how women behave, it’s with how men perceive that behavior. Is there a way to make a difference without putting all the responsibility for change on the victim of this discrimination?

  3. Ms. Eithne Shimasaki

    Clarification: If you read this study in its entirety, it was not just how men perceived women. Study participants were both genders. Also it showed that both men and women speakers can benefit from framing (prefacing) assertive comments.

  4. Weekly Wrap-Up: 4 Job Search Excuses You Need To Drop | Come Recommended

    […] One Simple Skill to Curb Unconscious Gender Bias: The Behavioral Science Guys, David Mayfield and Joseph Grenny, surveyed 11,000 women to see how gender bias affects them in the workplace. Here, they share their results and a way to reduce unconscious gender bias in your office. Read more. […]

  5. New studies show power of ‘unconscious bias’ in workplace - Press Room

    […] new study from VitalSmarts, a leadership training company, found that women who speak forcefully risk losing more economic […]

  6. Top CRM Providers, Employees Want Health Benefits, Are Powerful Women Bitches? & More! | Small Biz Daily

    […] at least according to a new study from New York Times bestselling authors and behavioral scientists Joseph Grenny and David Maxfield. Their study revealed gender bias still exists in the workplace showing a woman’s perceived […]

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