You’re standing there in front of a class full of fellow employees. For the last several hours, you’ve been doing a fantastic job facilitating Crucial Conversations. There is safety in the room. Learners are readily participating and sharing insights. And then one participant shares something offensive, weird, or just plain wrong, and you aren’t quite …
Certification Insights Posts
Structure. As a relatively organized human that thrives on predictability, structure is something to which I am deeply attached—and it’s not something that’s been abundant the last 16 months. As I taught an Influencer course in January 2021, my class and I discussed the structural lens of Influence: what it looks like and sounds like, …
My colleague Emily and I have taken on an exciting project recently that has pushed me to look at accountability in a new way. If you’re not familiar, our Crucial Accountability content teaches skills for addressing gaps between expectations and actual performance. The accountability model for managing performance is a great tool for stepping up …
Fifteen years ago I went to Canada and had one of the most profound insights of my professional life. I was a newly minted VitalSmarts Master Trainer leading both a Crucial Conversations course and trainer certification course in London, Ontario, Canada. The facilitators in the course were and are among the most highly skilled I …
It’s not news to anyone that we all feel extra burned out right now. We have too much to do. We don’t have enough time. We’re not getting it all done, and so we miss things and then feel bad about ourselves. I want to help and I’m going to cut right to the chase. …
I am in the process of putting together the pieces of my 2020 training vision for 2021. With so many fractured and competing needs and a drastically different landscape, how do I reset my vision and bring healing and hope to my organization?
Q. My 2020 goals were disrupted by Covid-19 and beyond. As I go into 2021, what habits can I leverage to reframe and achieve the goals I want to in the classroom and beyond? A. I remember staring 2020 in the face with new hopes, desires, and resolves. I couldn’t help thinking it would be …
When most L&D professionals think about social learning, it is with an emphasis on learning. We know people learn through social modeling, discussion, coaching, mentoring and connection. For many L&D professionals, social strategies have been a means to an end—they help us accomplish or further our learning objectives. But what if we have failed to …
Q. As a school administrator, I am preparing for the emotional post-election conversations that our staff and students are expecting in the days ahead. As opportunities arise to discuss the outcomes, teachers are looking for guidance on the best ways to model mature and responsible behavior for one another and our children. What recommendations would …
2020 has been full of unexpected challenges, especially for the live events industry. As trainers we are learning how to use video conferencing on a variety of platforms as a new reality. We know that this transition has been challenging for many in our industry, but we can take solace in knowing that we are …