Crucial Skills®

A Blog by Crucial Learning

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue

How to Increase Student Success Through Communication

New research by Joseph Grenny and David Maxfield reveals a discouraging communication gap between parents and teachers that has potential to affect a child’s success. Teachers feel parents don’t communicate major changes in the home and parents feel teachers don’t share revealing details about their child’s behavior in the classroom.

To bridge the gap between what parents and teachers want to hear and what the two parties actually communicate, Grenny and Maxfield suggest both take action at the beginning of the school year.

For Parents

1. Over-communicate. Use the beginning of the school year to build and strengthen your relationship with the teacher. Share your child’s interests, talents, and background that will help the teacher connect with and best serve them. During the year, update the teacher on any changes in their life, home, or friend group that could affect the mental, emotional or physical health of your child—such as illness, death, marital status of parents, etc.

2. Swap contact details. Make sure the teacher knows the best time and method to contact you.

3. Partner with your child’s teacher. Reach out. If you have a concern about your child, don’t wait for a teacher to bring it up to you. If you have a question, ask. Teachers work incredibly hard to provide the best for students and often must look after hundreds of them. And don’t forget: a simple thank you goes a long way in strengthening the partnership between teachers and parents.

For Teachers

1. Make a call. Use calls or home visits before the school year begins to build and strengthen the relationship. Introduce yourself and share something specific and positive about the child’s academic and character strengths. Share your vision of the teacher-parent relationship as a partnership that is crucial to the child’s growth. Invite parents to share critical information with you and explain the best time and method to get in contact with you. Consider giving the parent a postcard or visual reminder.

2. Send a family survey. Collect essential information about both the student and the family. Learn the student’s strengths, hobbies and unique talents. Ask about the parents and other adults in the child’s life. Learn about family history and family priorities that will help you better connect with and serve their child.

3. Invite parents. Don’t wait until report card conferences to invite parents into the school. Plan a family academic night, math night or literacy night. Increase attendance at these conferences by planning early and using all available methods of communication—the school website, newsletter, etc.

4. Share gratitude and praise with parents regularly. Use quick texts, notes, and emails of gratitude or praise. These build a deepening sense of trust. Keep an open mind about family situations and intentions.

View the results of our study in the infographic below or download a copy.

You can learn more insights and behaviors like this in Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue.

3 thoughts on “How to Increase Student Success Through Communication”

  1. Silence at School: Parents Fail to Communicate Life Altering Events That Affect Student Performance - Press Room

    […] to Editor: Grenny and Maxfield are available for interviews. A Crucial Skills article and infographic on the study are available. Copies of their books Crucial Conversations, […]

  2. Susan Wilson

    The last few lines are not correct. If a teacher felt they needed to thank me for every little thing I do to help my child, I would be very annoyed. I don’t have time to fill our surveys. If there’s an issue, I speak to the teacher, like a person.
    Personally, I feel very strongly that the teaching community has too strong of an influence on what my child is “required” to do outside of the classroom. How can a students grade be EXTREMELY affected by whether or not the parent signs DAILY homework, does work with the parent, etc. Either the student knows the material or they don’t. I DO NOT APPRECIATE teachers planning my evenings. I had MY OWN PLANS on how I will spend time with my boys. I don’t need someone else telling me what to do or how to raise my sons.

  3. Aadhya

    A great blog reveals how the relationship and communication between teachers and parents must be maintained. It provides information about how the child is studying and of behavior about the child at home and at school. Parents and teachers should maintain a good and healthy relationship for a better career of child’s.Its very helpful blog for parents and teachers.

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