Crucial Influence Posts

How to Improve Employee Morale

Dear David, How do you suggest a large institution go about changing a can’t-do attitude to a can-do attitude when morale is low? We’ve had budget and staffing cuts and have a history of “silos” throughout the organization. Can you help? Signed, Salvaging What I Can Dear Salvaging, You’re taking on a challenging and worthy …

What Should We Do and How Do We Get Everyone To Do It?

Dear David, How does the Influencer model relate to processes such as: PDCA/DMAIC Cycles, Quality Circles, Statistical Process Control, Continuous Improvement/Kaizen, Lean/Six Sigma, and other Quality-Related approaches to Process Improvement? Signed, Curious Dear Curious, Welcome to the history of the Quality Movement! I’ve been lucky enough to work with many of the organizations at the …

Working with a Know-it-All

Dear Steve, As a nurse, I am responsible for precepting our new hires. In most cases, experienced nurses come to my unit and my job is to help them learn the policies and procedures unique to our unit and the hospital. The most difficult challenge is the “know-it-all” who is impossible to teach. We avoid …

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