Posts by Emily Gregory

Leaders Want Input. Employees Won’t Share It. What Can We Do?

During our company meetings, leaders often try to get input on various questions but very rarely does anyone respond. It has become such an issue that the CEO recently offered $20 to anyone who contributes. That’s one issue. A second issue is that when nobody responds, leaders will often say something like, “Really?! Nobody has anything to say?!”

Trainer Insights
Whose Story Should Take the Spotlight?

Fifteen years ago I went to Canada and had one of the most profound insights of my professional life. I was a newly minted VitalSmarts Master Trainer leading both a Crucial Conversations course and trainer certification course in London, Ontario, Canada. The facilitators in the course were and are among the most highly skilled I …

Is Politics Hurting Your Marriage? Here’s What You Can Do

Dear Emily, I’ve used the techniques from Crucial Conversations in both personal and business situations with success but am now faced with the most critical conversation ever and I don’t know what to do. My husband has become increasingly enmeshed in politics. He is almost blindly devoted to Donald Trump and watches Fox News every …

How Do I Have A Crucial Conversation Virtually?

Emily Gregory shares a tip for creating the right virtual environment for a crucial conversation. First, acknowledge the challenge of connecting virtually. Then share your intentions for wanting to have the conversation anyway. By acknowledging the limitations of video chat and sharing your good intentions, you’ll help establish safety for moving forward.


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