In the News

Don’t be afraid of scary workplace conversations

A survey conducted by VitalSmarts found that more than 80 percent of workers are fearful of confrontation. The lengths that they go to avoid difficult conversations range from avoiding the other person at all costs, dancing around the scary topic whenever they speak to the person in question, thinking about quitting their job or taking …

A shocking number of employees would rather quit than have a tough conversation at work

Justin Hale, Master Trainer at VitalSmarts, says there’s a way to coach people through tough workplace conversations. Confidence in conversation is a major obstacle. Many p0ll respondents say they’re holding off because they don’t have the confidence to bring up the issue or tackle the conversation. One in five admit they’re just not confident that …

VitalSmarts Acquired by Leeds Equity Partners

Provo, Utah – October 1, 2019– VitalSmarts, a top 20 leadership training company, announced today it has been acquired by Leeds Equity Partners, which allows the organization to once again operate independently. In addition to allowing VitalSmarts to operate independently, the investment from Leeds Equity Partners—a New York-based private equity firm focused exclusively on the …

Troublesome Teammates

Is a coworker getting on your nerves? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Alison Beard and Dan McGinn  talk through what to do when a coworker acts like their responsibilities are beneath them, a colleague you referred to the team is being aggressive and sneaky, or a fellow team member is coasting while you’re …


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