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Troublesome Teammates

Is a coworker getting on your nerves? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Alison Beard and Dan McGinn  talk through what to do when a coworker acts like their responsibilities are beneath them, a colleague you referred to the team is being aggressive and sneaky, or a fellow team member is coasting while you’re …

Four Skills of Highly Productive Teams

People can have good intentions and rich technical backgrounds yet still overestimate their ability to manage workload. In fact, we’ve found that as a person’s roles and responsibilities increase, their productivity practices begin to fail them. For team members to thrive in a world of endless tasks and inputs, they must develop a few key …

4 Brilliant Things People With Emotional Intelligence Do When They’re Harshly Criticized

Most of us can remember a time we received harsh criticism at some point in our lives. Naturally, anyone with good advice would point to improving the messenger delivering the harsh criticism. But should we flip the tables? What if we learned to bounce back from harsh criticism by managing the internal feelings that come after being “feedsmacked”?


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