Crucial Skills®

A Blog by Crucial Learning

2 thoughts on “Why Biting Your Tongue Leads to Disaster”

  1. Study: 56% of Employees Have at Least One Grievance They’ve Kept Locked Up for 1 Year - Press Room

    […] The “vault” study of 1,409 respondents by Joseph Grenny and David Maxfield, authors of the New York Times bestseller Crucial Accountability, revealed that many of us safeguard toxic secrets or grievances in the workplace for long periods of time. In fact, 56% of us keep them for more than a year—because we focus on the immediate risks involved in speaking up while ignoring the certain and ongoing costs of not speaking up. And keeping these secrets “in the vault” creates problems that are decidedly non-comedic and can be costly to an organization. (Watch Joseph’s and David’s BS Guys video here.) […]

  2. LB

    The link is broken and visual does not show.

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