Crucial Skills®

A Blog by Crucial Learning

One Productive Minute

Episode 1: Stop Waiting For Others

Sometimes working with others can feel synergistic, productive, and quick. Other times teammates and colleagues can feel like a barrier between you and success. They agree to assignments and don’t follow through; they make a commitment but miss their deadline. And all the while, your to-do list grows longer and longer.

Well, it’s time you stopped letting others put your to-do list at risk. Watch Justin’s latest tip to learn how you can move projects forward—even when you’re waiting on others.

Download Our Free Resource: “Waiting For” List Template

4 thoughts on “Episode 1: Stop Waiting For Others”

  1. Merche Shannon

    Hi, Justin – I like the idea of the list and how it can alleviate stress. How do I move projects forward when I don’t have what I need? I keep the list and at some point decide that I don’t need the input? Share it with the person that’s not responding? How do I get unstuck?

    1. Justin

      great question. i don’t know all the context, but a few suggestions are: ask people when they will have that input by, so then you can hold them accountable when that date is not met (most of us leave very vague expectations for people). Also, once i know im getting close to the time i need input, and i haven’t gotten it, i will ping the other person as a reminder.

  2. sandrashill

    The list is a great start, but just because something is on a list doesn’t mean I’m not waiting for others to get me the stuff I need on the list. I’m not sure that this video “explains how you can stop worrying over whether and when your peers will complete their tasks,” as the email teaser for it I got said. (If anything, the list will help remind me that I should be worrying about something that’s overdue, lol!)

    1. Justin

      the list alleviates the stress of having to remember all the stuff you’re waiting for. from an effectiveness standpoint, you miss fewer things. i teach people to check that list every few days, so if things are getting close to due date, they can reach out to the other person. There is usually a massive volume of things that people are waiting for (from peers, from online retailers, reimbursements, etc), and it’s just more effective to have reminders of those things some place outside of your head. Now, when peers violate the expectations you’ve set, then it’s about having a crucial conversation with them.

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