Crucial Skills®

A Blog by Crucial Learning

Crucial Influence

All Washed Up with Hyrum Grenny

VitalSmarts’ most popular junior scientist, Hyrum Grenny, conducts a playful experiment to solve America’s hand-hygiene problem—a problem that leads to infection and avoidable medical errors. In fact, in America’s hospitals, hand washing compliance rates hover between 30 to 50 percent! Watch as Hyrum teaches strategy and principles to change behavior using a group of 80 unsuspecting kids and cupcakes.

Please share this video with your teams, organizations, friends, and family. To spread these powerful principles of influence, consider:

  • E-mailing this link to your colleagues:
  • Embedding the video on your blogs and Web site with the following code:
    <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

Would you like to solve hand hygiene problems in your organization? What about changing other entrenched behaviors that are returning dismal results?
Influencer Training is a step-by-step strategy for solving entrenched problems by changing behavior. Learn how you can bring this award-winning training into your organization today by calling us at 1-800-449-5989 or visiting our Web site.

Or, consider booking a VitalSmarts speaker to discuss principles of influence with your teams and organizations. For speaking information call or visit our Web site.

You can learn more insights and behaviors like this in Crucial Influence.

40 thoughts on “All Washed Up with Hyrum Grenny”

  1. K.Pashuk

    This is a great video that I intend to share. Thanks for making it public!
    The embedded links are unfortunately incorrect…
    “Sharing this video in a team meeting. Access the video here” and
    ” E-mailing this link to your colleagues: ” do not work.

    The correct link is”

  2. Ingrid L. Bain

    I have read with great interest the comments in your article. I will apply these matters to not only my personal, but professional life as well.

  3. Ingrid L. Bain

    The article was very interesting and well written. It can be applied in every walk and aspect of life.

  4. David Zinger

    I really enjoy watching Hyrum’s work and expect to see him as the director/producer of a big Hollywood blockbuster in a few years. He is skilled at bringing complex psychological notions down to earth and show that they can be “child’s play.” Thanks Hyrum, I am just off to wash my hands!

  5. Christine Rafeld

    I loved this. I’ll be passing this on to our infection control committee chairs to share this with supervisors. We are always preaching handwashing to staff, especially at this time of possible H1N1 virus, but the principles presented for making any change are right on.
    This video is a delightful way to get a relevant message across to our staff.
    Thanks so much!

  6. Joan Thibodeau

    I was not able to access the “All washed Up” Videon using the link you provided.
    Please advise.

  7. editor

    All links have been fixed. Please share them with your colleagues.

  8. Suzanne

    I love Hyrum’s work. Very clever and factual! Thanks in advance for all you do!

  9. Tweets that mention Crucial Skills » Share the NEW “All Washed Up” --

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Heather Stagl and Garrick Throckmorton. Garrick Throckmorton said: Fun video from Crucial Conversations re: changing group behavior. […]

  10. Mary Krans

    I am unable to access the video using any of the links.

  11. Marwa

    I really enjoyed your experiment..
    I would have thought of trying peer pressure alone at first or after personal motivation, I wonder how much influence would it have been then? 🙂

    Very clever Hyrum.. keep up the good work

  12. Liz

    the video link does not work. Would love to share this with staff in the office. Since one of our projects is MRSA

  13. THM

    Several of us can’t get the link to work. Are we doing something wrong or does the link need to be repaired?

  14. editor

    I’m not sure why the link isn’t working for some people. The links is:

    It can also be viewed at:

    The video is uploaded to You Tube and many organizations have blocked You Tube. If you are having trouble viewing the video, it is most likely an issue with your organization’s filters. Try accessing it from home or another network.

  15. Liz

    Still unable to access this video. I noticed when I clicked on the blank portion of text where they video should be is states movie not loaded is grayed out and About Adobe Flash player comes up. Has the format of the movie been changed from the original??


    1. editor

      Liz, this means you do not have the latest version of flash – which you will need to watch the video.

  16. Michelle

    I did like the video but was tooooooo long! Shorten it and my kids will watch!

  17. THM

    I loaded the latest version of Flash and still have the same problem as Liz. Any other ideas?

  18. Carl

    I the “All Washed Up” video available to purchase and if so how much is it and how can I do that.

  19. Lou Moss

    Great video! It’s a great way to get the point across! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Rachael T

    a few mates of mine are into this stuff so i will send ’em this way 🙂

  21. Kathryn

    Wonderful video!

  22. ellis pereda

    I noticed in the washing of hands that the crevice in between the digits are not carefully washed. As I have experienced in washing both my kids hands, this is where most of the dirt and germs are trapped. I now wash these areas very carefully and can actually feel the dirt in these areas come off. Please consider including in videos

  23. Maggie Valentini

    I would like to share a funny memory. We were out to dinner at a nice restaurant with our 3-yr old daughter. While she and I were in the ladies room washing our hands another women entered, used the facilities and left the restroom without washing her hands (yep, we were in there a while washing hands). When we returned to our seats my daughter proceeded to stand on her chair to look around. Then she announced to the entire (very packed) restaurant – “there is the lady who didn’t wash her hands”. All the while pointing to the woman in question. The whole restaurant turned around to look. I bet they just couldn’t resist (and were secretly hoping she was not sitting at their table). I think that day we instilled some good hand washing techniques for many patrons. Hope this made you smile.

  24. Jim Carr

    Can’t access video. Have downloaded latest version of Adobe Flash.

  25. Cindy Hansen

    The class was grate and this was real good to make me lol

  26. Rosemary Lukens

    I have taken the Influencer training and loved it – and use it! This video is absolutely a MUST SHOW! Thanks so much!

  27. Joyce Nye

    I cannot view the video either.

  28. Donna Hartman

    We are interested in purchasing this as DVD or Video to use in training our staff in our Children’s Hospital. Please can you send us ordering information – Thanks so much

  29. Ria Spee

    Great video. I plan to show it to the nursing staff on two units in LTC. Can’t wait to see the reaction. I think they will enjoy it. I’d like to know all 6 influences of behavior change.

  30. Tina Retrosi

    Loved the video. I plan on sharing it with our hospital staff.

  31. Jane Yorkston

    I shared this with some colleagues a couple of weeks ago – then planned to show others today but it won’t play & says ‘This video is private’ which is odd as you invite people to share the video. Great video when it works – and I wouldn’t shorten it at all – adults enjoy the humour & I believe they are your target audience.

  32. Christine

    I have heard alot of positive about this video and was hoping to view it to possibly use it at our facility. But the link does not exist anymore. Has it been moved?


  33. editor

    @Christine The video was temporarily unavailable on YouTube, but that was several weeks ago. You should be able to view the video by watching it in the post above or by following this link to YouTube:

  34. Matt N

    I myself wondered if the different motivators would have worked if done in a different order. As the social peer pressure seemed most effective in this situation was an experiment done using this as the first change? Either way well done. I thought the visual of the underwhelming solutions vs. overwhelming problem visual was good when the additional influences added on to creat more leverage to balance the two.

  35. MS

    I viewed this video at a conference last week and would like to share with staff. Unfortunately, I have been unable to view on my computer. Please advise.

  36. Judy Davis

    I have been training C Convertsa. since 2006??? I am wondering if there are plans to make a new training video? I know they are expensive, and I don’t know when this one was filmed, but the clothes, hairstyles and even the absence of modern technology are starting to make the current one look dated. I find this is a total turn off to learners. Just my 2 cents worth.

  37. Judy Davis

    Sorry for the typo. Crucial Conversations is what I have been training. A-hem.

  38. William Hare

    a very informative video and should used more everywhere.

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