Crucial Skills®

A Blog by Crucial Learning

Getting Things Done

Tips For Managing the Nebulous Flow of Life and Work

Dear David,

I get overwhelmed by the huge lists of things to do because I’m not sure which items to work on next. Any suggestions for that?

Challenged Prioritizer

Dear Challenged Prioritizer,

Yours is a universally common question, and one I frequently hear from people as they begin to adopt the Getting Things Done® methodology. GTD® promotes the idea of producing an inventory of all commitments, as well as an inventory of what specifically needs to be done about those commitments, called next actions. The result is a large to-do list.

Most mid- to senior-level professionals have on their plates on any given day between 30 and 100 projects (tasks that require multiple steps) and over 150 next actions that relate to the various moving parts of their multi-level commitments.

Welcome to a lovely restaurant with a menu of an overwhelming number of choices!

The challenge is that there is no simple A-B-C, 1-2-3, high-medium-low prioritizing formula that makes much sense in the day-to-day, minute-to-minute real world—though these have been promoted ad nauseam.

When you decide to take a nap or spend quality time with your daughter (or your puppy), is that a “high priority” on your list? And if you’ve identified some high-priority tasks on your list and fail to do them in the moment, does that feel good or bad? Does that mean you’re doing the wrong things?

One simple way to abandon all those ridiculously simplified notions of priorities is to simply ask yourself, at any moment in time: what could I do right now that would produce the greatest value to me? Handle that “ugly” email? Sit in my easy chair and meditate for a few minutes? Start sautéing onions for dinner? Create a crude first draft of a business plan? Take a hot bath? Call my brother and discuss his latest decisions about Mom? What?

Life is a bit more complex than one, two, three.

It becomes less complex, however, when you have lists of all the possible actions you might take, at hand, current, and in your face. Here are all your errands to run. Here are all the things to talk to your life partner about. Here are all the things you’re waiting for. Here are all your projects. Et cetera. Then, at least, you have a complete menu of your options. Without that, you’re likely to be driven by whatever shows up latest or loudest.

Even if you have thoroughly applied GTD in your life, there are at least three dynamics in play that influence your best decision-making.

First, your limitations. Where are you, and with what tools at hand? How much time do you have until your next engagement? How much creative energy do you have to put into this potential action?

Second, your adaptability. Are you best doing something already defined on your list, acting on new inputs, or taking time to clarify and organize what has just shown up in your in-basket and inbox to ensure your inventory of work is current and complete?

And third, from an overall context, your life purpose. What are your core standards and principles, your goals and objectives, your areas of focus that need appropriate levels of engagement? What is your long-term vision of success?

Hah! If you have a simple formula that takes into account all of the above while helping you quickly and successfully prioritize, please share it with me. I’ve spent the last 35 years of my life trying to simplify the process of prioritization and haven’t yet.

That said, here’s how I curate all factors into a rather basic rule for myself: What most has my attention right now? What do I need to do, next, to get that off my mind? I do this because I have a very high standard for having a clear head—I want nothing on my mind except the object of my intended focus.

There is not a simple formula. You must practice and refine the art of managing the flow of life’s work. It’s about capturing, clarifying, organizing, and reflecting on all your options—and engaging, moment to moment, with the thing that serves you best, based on a rigorous coordination of your conscious commitments and your intuitive knowing.

Best of Luck,

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You can learn more insights and behaviors like this in Getting Things Done.

3 thoughts on “Tips For Managing the Nebulous Flow of Life and Work”

  1. Lisa Illahee

    Sorry Mr. Allen, I disagree with your comment “One simple way to abandon all those ridiculously simplified notions of priorities….” Ridiculous is a judgment from your perspective. I attended Franklin Covey Time Management training in 2000. ABC 123 prioritization is a useful tool for me and many others .As far as I know they are still in business-not so ridiculous. They also promote work/life balance. People are different and their minds track and work differently. I do agree with your self-inquiry questions: What most has my attention right now? What do I need to do, next, to get that off my mind? But when it comes down to it, everyone needs to find their own tools and try different things-self reflection for one and slowing down and analyzing what is most important or what can be delegated or even dropped. Humans simply can’t do it all and be it all. Franklin covey also teaches how to say “No” and not over commit. I’m not familiar with you your GTD, and I’m sure like your other products it is are helpful. But ABC 123 has worked for me and I’m sticking to it. Again, no so ridiculous.

  2. bean

    “If you have a simple formula that takes into account all of the above while helping you quickly and successfully prioritize, please share it with me.”

    i see no reason why the listed considerations and others couldn’t be included in an algorithm… our brains do it, although i’d hope to be able to make one more simplified than that. (while people do think differently, i suspect the commonalities in most peoples’s thinking could be reduced to something a computer could handle and a human could take as feedback… maybe that would be the ultimate point of the algorithm: to train one to see how their prioritizing is affecting their life…?)
    anyway if you were interested in such an algorithm, you have my email address haha
    i’d enjoy giving it a shot…

  3. divjangid

    Wow! Really helpful. Keep sharing the articles like this.

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