ABOUT THE EXPERT Steve Willis is a master trainer and vice president of professional services at VitalSmarts. READ MORE When I was boy, I frequently watched old western shows on TV. I liked them because of the rough and rowdy, shoot ’em up action. At the time, I had most of the shows memorized word-for-word. …
Certification Insights Posts
ABOUT THE EXPERT Steve Willis is a master trainer and vice president of professional services at VitalSmarts. READ MORE So you sign up for a course—one that furthers your development plan, one that offers skills to tackle the challenges you face, or maybe just one that fulfills your learning quota. Now you’re enrolled, and your …
ABOUT THE EXPERT Steve Willis is a master trainer and vice president of professional services at VitalSmarts. READ MORE I’m often asked how frequently I train our courses. Depending on the course, my answer is somewhere between “a lot” and “a whole heck of a lot.” My response is almost always followed by the same …
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Barbara Hauser is a Master Trainer. READ MORE How can I help participants connect Sucker’s Choice to Start with Heart? How would you explain how to take the concept of Sucker’s Choice back to proper motives? Start with Heart is a powerful principle that encourages participants to do some deep reflection, and …
ABOUT THE EXPERT Steve Willis is a master trainer and vice president of professional services at VitalSmarts. READ MORE During my last trip to the United Kingdom, I found myself struggling to respond to what seemed like a simple question, “Blooming brass monkey weather isn’t it?” Even though the person addressing this question was speaking …
ABOUT THE EXPERT Steve Willis is a master trainer and vice president of professional services at VitalSmarts. READ MORE I recently delivered an extended speech to a group of doctors. But this was no ordinary group of doctors—it was a group of emergency room doctors who absolutely, positively would not tolerate any fluff-laden presentation. The …
ABOUT THE EXPERT Steve Willis is a master trainer and vice president of professional services at VitalSmarts. READ MORE Put yourself in this situation. You’re in front of a class, scanning the group carefully. All eyes are fixed on you. You’ve just asked a question of the group, and now you’re waiting each other out. …
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Candace Bertotti is a Master Trainer. READ MORE There have been occasions when participants have reacted strongly to the use of the term “violence” in the training as they perceive that term as having the meaning of physical force or intense emotional abuse. How would you address this when it comes up? …
ABOUT THE EXPERT Steve Willis is vice president of professional services at VitalSmarts. READ MORE Hardly a training goes by that a participant doesn’t invoke the training version of the Vegas rule: What happens in training, stays in training. Let me explain. Too often, trainers think the beginning of their course is the beginning of …
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Cricket Buchler is a Master Trainer. READ MORE I feel I have to comment on the subject of feelings and thinking relating to telling a story. Feelings are a gut reaction—I don’t block those basic senses.Thinking it through comes after that and relating it all into something cohesive i.e. a story. But …