Posts by Christa Woodall

Aaron Tremblett and Connecting the SDI with Crucial Conversations

The saying “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are” strikes a chord with Aaron Tremblett, who works as a senior consultant of leadership development and coaching for the Government of Alberta, Canada. As humans, we make judgments and evaluations based on our biases and ways of doing things—but with the dynamic duo of Crucial Conversations and the SDI assessment, we’re able to check our biases, reduce conflict, and increase our understanding of others.

Karl Bradley and Finding Success Together

As Robert Ingersoll famously said, “We rise by lifting others.” That quote has become a touchstone for Karl Bradley, a leadership and team development specialist at Extension Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports the 112 land-grant institutions in the Cooperative Extension system around the U.S. and its territories. “We need one another, and so we …

Patrick Maurer and Marketing Mastery

Marketing may not be second nature for most learning and development professionals, but it is for Patrick Maurer. Before joining the employee development team at the City of Tempe, Maurer developed marketing acumen running his own business. He’s applied some tried-and-true techniques to promote the city’s learning and development offerings with its employees.

Nicole O’Brien and Tailoring Delivery for Learner Needs

When Nicole O’Brien got certified to teach Crucial Conversations in June 2011, she planned to teach the course to General Services Administration (GSA) employees throughout the Midwest. But after a reorganization transferred her team to the central office in Washington, D.C., O’Brien and her now-retired teammate Nancy Smith lobbied to make the course available to all of GSA’s 12,000 employees throughout the United States and its territories.


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