Crucial Learning and the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) partnered to address high turnover in nursing. See the results of our collaboration in Connection is Retention: Lessons from Leaders with Unusually High Nurse Retention.
Findings from Leaders with High Nursing Retention
We studied 1,559 nurse managers and 562 clinical staff to identify drivers of turnover and retention.
Help, Care, and Growth
Nurse managers who focus on help, care, and growth are better at creating a culture of connection and retaining their workforce than those who don’t.
Connection is Retention
Nurses who have managers that focused on help, care, and growth were 81% more likely to say they intend to stay in their positions indefinitely than those who don’t.
New Insights on Employee Rounding
Employee rounding—a practice intended to connect clinical staff to their managers—does little to foster help, care, and growth.

Reducing Turnover in Healthcare
Download the study to learn what successful nurse managers do differently to create highly engaged and committed caregiver teams.

American Organization for Nursing Leadership
As the national professional organization of more than 11,000 nurse leaders, the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) is the voice of nursing leadership. Our membership encompasses nurse leaders working in hospitals, health systems, academia and other care settings across the care continuum. Since 1967, the organization has led the field of nursing leadership through professional development, advocacy, and research that advances nursing leadership practice and patient care. AONL is an affiliate of the American Hospital Association.

Crucial Learning
Crucial Learning offers courses in communication, performance, and leadership, focusing on behaviors that have a disproportionate impact on outcomes, called crucial skills. We’ve spent thirty years helping hospitals and health systems around the world build healthy cultures through dialogue, accountability. and influence. When applied, these crucial skills eliminate avoidable medical errors, reduce political tensions, and improve patient care and staff experience.

Leading researchers from Crucial Learning and AONL introduce the findings of this important study and talk through implications for nurse managers and clinical staff. You’ll Learn:
– Specific behaviors that drive care, growth, and help.
– How to close the gap between what clinical staff care about and what nurse managers focus on.
– How leaders can redirect efforts to true connection.
– What top executives should do to redirect efforts towards true connection.