Press Releases

Businesses Are Agile in Responding to COVID-19—But Employees Are Ill-Equipped to Handle Changes

Provo, UT – March 12, 2020 – Corporate America is taking quick action to keep their employees safe from COVID-19. However, a new survey from VitalSmarts, a corporate training and leadership development company, shows that recently adopted work-from-home policies may lead to significant challenges as employees are ill-equipped to handle the changes. According to the …

Why Talking Politics Is America’s Most Feared Pastime

March 2, 2020 – Provo, UT – In 2020, we may gain a new president, but we’ll also lose more friends. A new survey by VitalSmarts, home of Crucial Conversations Training, shows an alarming and increasing trend of hurtful trash-talking politics among coworkers and friends. Specifically, more than 55 percent report being in a political …

VitalSmarts Releases The Power of Habit™—A Transformative New Course Based on the Best-selling Book By Charles Duhigg

Provo, UT—February 12, 2020—Today, VitalSmarts, an innovator in learning and development, announced the release of The Power of Habit™, a course based on the New York Times best-selling book of the same title by Charles Duhigg. Small, daily habits are strong predictors of long-term outcomes. The way individuals, teams and organizations behave today determines what …

Leaders Say Their Company Is Not Recession-Ready

Provo, UT – November 21, 2019 – When the next recession hits, as much as half of today’s workforce won’t be ready. According to new research from VitalSmarts, a Top 20 Leadership Training company, leaders say nearly half of their employees don’t have the necessary skills to weather a financial downturn. The recession-readiness study asked …

Office Haunting: 8 out of 10 employees are running in fear from a scary conversation at work

October 3, 2019 – Provo, UT – Across the U.S., employees are haunted by something scary and destructive—and it’s not ghosts and goblins. A new poll from VitalSmarts, a top 20 leadership training company, shows more than 80% of workers are cowering from at least one scary conversation at work—a conversation they know they need …

The Costs of Career Transition: Employees’ Struggle to Learn New Habits Is Eating at Your Bottom Line

PROVO, UT – July 23, 2019 – A new study by VitalSmarts, a top 20 leadership training company, shows employees struggle to quickly and adeptly transition into their new roles. Specifically, they struggle to turn new skills into automatic habits required for reliable execution in the new role. Emerging leaders (employees taking on a people-management …

Is Your Team a Ticking Time Bomb? New Research Shows It Only Takes 1 or 2 Team Members to Undermine Results When They Fumble Tasks and Responsibilities

PROVO, UT – May 16, 2019 – A new study by VitalSmarts, a top 20 leadership training company, shows that the success of critical projects and programs requires the skill, energy and focus of every team member. Specifically, it only takes 1 to 2 team members who make even small fumbles (miss deadlines, fail to …

Open Office Secrets: Most Managers Have Faults Everyone Talks About to Everyone but Them

PROVO, UT – March 12, 2019 – A new study by VitalSmarts, a top 20 leadership training company, shows that across corporate America, performance discussions are one-sided. When it comes to sharing critical performance feedback, managers can speak freely with their direct reports, but direct reports don’t dare share feedback with their managers. And they …

Over-commitment Epidemic: 3 out of 5 People Say They Can’t Possibly Get Everything Done on Their To-do List

Provo, UT – January 23, 2019 – The New Year usually inspires goal setting and big ambitions, but for most, taking on yet another commitment is the last thing they should do. A new study from researchers at VitalSmarts, a leadership training companyand home of Getting Things DoneÒclassroom and online training, found that when it …


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