Getting Things Done
GTD® Training for Teams
Based on the bestseller by David Allen, Getting Things Done teaches skills that improve focus and productivity while reducing stress and burnout.
Explore Getting Things Done®
Recently updated, the course features videos that reflect a modern and diverse workforce, new skills for saying no and narrowing focus, plus exercises and examples for teams.

Learn about changes to course content, new learner and trainer materials, and see a side-by-side table that compares the new course to the legacy course.

Feeling frenzied? Get focused with this FREE video miniseries. Justin Hale will guide you from distracted to attentive in four short lessons.

Nine of 10 respondents in a Crucial Learning survey said that when even one person flounders or fails to follow through, the whole organization suffers.
Crucial Learning is the exclusive provider of Getting Things Done® training in North America and we developed our coursework in partnership with David Allen and the David Allen Company.
GTD teaches a method for capturing and clarifying everything that has a piece of your attention so you’re free to focus on the tasks and people that matter most.
GTD Learning Formats
1. Introduction
Learn how the CCORE methodology can help you achieve the ideal productive state.
2. Capture
Capture everything in and out of your head.
Direct your inputs to a few chosen capture tools.
3. Clarify
Decide what your stuff means to you.
Identify next actions to get moving and overcome procrastination.
Process the items in your inboxes regularly and effectively to avoid fatigue and backlog.
4. Organize
Utilize your calendar more effectively to free up more time.
Optimize your lists to transform the way you work.
5. Reflect & Engage
Use your system to take appropriate action with confidence.
Learn how to say no with integrity.
6. Renew Through Review
Review your system weekly so it’s always current.
Make key connections between short-term tasks and longer-term goals.
7. Next Steps
Retain learning and refine your skills with online resources.
Receive weekly email tips and prompts.
Read helpful articles and videos.
Access worksheets and take assessments.
1. Introduction + Capture & Clarify
- Learn how the CCORE methodology can help you reduce stress and increase productivity at work and at home.
- Develop a better alternative to keeping tasks, to-dos, and essential information in your head.
- Systematically collect and direct all the inputs that grab at your attention.
- Learn how to list every commitment you make, whether to yourself or others.
2. Clarify Cont. + Organize
- Learn how to decide what each input in your life means to you.
- Practice identifying the very next action you must take to move your commitments toward completion.
- Develop a systematic approach to processing inputs which helps you avoid fatigue and backlog.
- Organize your commitments in a personalized system—a trusted “external brain”.
- Begin using your calendar more effectively.
- Learn the efficiency hack of sorting next actions by context rather than topic.
3. Organize Cont. + Reflect & Engage + Renew Through Review
- Create and track a simple, personalized inventory of your projects.
- Adapt GTD skills to teamwork and team productivity to establish more productive ways of working.
- Scan your calendar and lists at only the right times.
- Consider existing commitments before you make new commitments, or say no with integrity.
- Get clear on your highest priorities and stay engaged with them through a GTD Weekly Review®.
- Make key connections between short-term tasks and longer-term goals.
- Commit to implement GTD and follow-up with an accountability partner.
1. Introduction
- Learn how the CCORE methodology can help you achieve the ideal productive state.
2. Capture
- Avoid keeping tasks and to-dos in your mind.
- Collect all the inputs that have your attention.
- Direct everything to a few chosen capture tools that you empty regularly.
3. Clarify
- Take time to decide what each item means to you.
- Identify the very next action that would move you toward closure.
- Process the items in your inboxes regularly and effectively to avoid fatigue and backlog.
- Adapt GTD skills to teamwork and team productivity to establish more productive ways of working.
4. Organize
- Utilize your calendar more effectively to free up more time.
- Sort next actions by context rather than topic to make completing them easier.
- Track all your lists in a list-management tool that becomes your trusted system.
5. Reflect & Engage
- Scan your calendar and lists at the right times.
- Use your system to take appropriate action with confidence.
- Learn how to say no with integrity.
6. Renew Through Review
- Review your system weekly so it’s always current.
- Make key connections between short-term tasks and longer-term goals.
- Commit to implement GTD and follow-up with an accountability partner.
Improve Focus and Productivity with Getting Things Done
Nine of ten GTD graduates report permanently changing a time-management behavior. They also report that their new time management skills save them an average of 21 to 40 minutes EACH DAY.
In a recent survey, people who used the GTD skills were 55 times less likely to say they start projects but never finish them and 18 times less likely to say they often feel overwhelmed compared with those who don’t use GTD skills.
At Qualtrics, 100% of GTD graduates improved their ability to hit deadlines and deliver on commitments. And 96% said GTD helped them improve their daily effectiveness or ability to execute and stay on course.
At MasterControl, 80% of GTD graduates said they are better at processing their email inbox. They also reported a strong correlation between their new GTD skills and a positive trend in customer feedback.
Teams that have a reliable process for managing and executing work foster cultures of trust and engagement. Menlo Innovations reported that the GTD skills not only generated results, they also reduced stress and increased joy in the workplace.
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