To approach challenging conversations, you need to prepare as if you were taking a road trip. The longer and more difficult the journey, the more things you would check before starting out.
SDI Assessment Posts
If there is a competency around strengths, it’s having the ability to accurately assess the situation and choose the right strength at the right time.
have you ever been a recipient of a “compliment” that missed the mark? Or perhaps you’ve been surprised when your well-intended expression of gratitude back-fired?
I have been working full-time with the SDI since 1995 and have contributed to its development and utility through research, authorship, and application. Given my role, people often ask if I am the founder or creator. I am not. That distinction rightly belongs to Elias Porter, or “Port” as his friends called him. I have …
Accountability is a liberating and energizing force, but it does limit our vocabulary when interacting with people. So one way to see if accountability is an issue for you or your teams is to listen to what’s being said.