With the addition of the SDI and Core Strengths to Crucial Learning, we’ve had a number of questions about how the SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory) compares or contrasts to the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). In this post, I’ll address some practical, theoretical, and empirical differences, along with how the two can complement each other. The …
Posts by Tim Scudder
I recently took the SDI assessment and I need help applying the insights I’ve gained. I think I now better understand why one of my coworkers annoys me. She is very timid and soft-spoken, and I tend to lose my patience when working with her. I try to mask my frustration, but I don’t really know whether I do so successfully. How can I actually OVERCOME my frustration? I get the sense she can tell I’m frustrated, which just makes her more reserved, which just frustrates me further, etc. She also took the assessment, and her profile suggests she is triggered by anything that resembles aggression. Any suggestions?
What is Relationship Intelligence (RQ)? The engine that drives defining moments.
When teams of diverse talent come together, innovation, collaboration, and learning multiply. Discover the benefits cross-functional collaboration can have on your organization!
What separates a good team from a great team? Discover the 5 characteristics of high-performing teams that make them the most successful.
If there is a competency around strengths, it’s having the ability to accurately assess the situation and choose the right strength at the right time.
have you ever been a recipient of a “compliment” that missed the mark? Or perhaps you’ve been surprised when your well-intended expression of gratitude back-fired?
I have been working full-time with the SDI since 1995 and have contributed to its development and utility through research, authorship, and application. Given my role, people often ask if I am the founder or creator. I am not. That distinction rightly belongs to Elias Porter, or “Port” as his friends called him. I have …