What Would You Do Self-Assessment Results
Your results indicate whether you tend to focus on motivation or ability when faced with an accountability challenge.
There are six sources of influence when it comes to behavior, and influential leaders know how to address sources that affect both motivation and ability.
You can learn and practice skills to address and resolve problems of performance and behavior in our course Crucial Conversations® for Accountability. You can also learn more with our free guide: Mind the Gap: The Essential Guide to Workplace Accountability.
Download the guide below to continue learning.
Your motivation score: 0
This score indicates your tendency to focus on motivation when trying to hold someone accountable. While motivation contributes to behavior, if you overemphasize it when addressing performance problems, you risk discouraging and demeaning the other person rather than motivating them. If you can address ability first and make sure you focus on it as part of your overall approach, you will get better results when holding others accountable and helping them improve.
Your ability score: 10
This score indicates your tendency to focus on ability when trying to hold someone accountable. If your score is high here and low on the motivation scale, it may mean you lack the confidence to be direct with someone when you need to be. Addressing factors that influence a person’s ability to do what’s expected is important when resolving performance problems. But you also need skills to directly address problems of motivation when they’re a factor.
Effective leaders and managers address both motivation and ability to help others perform to expectations. You can improve your own ability by learning about the research, principles, and skills for better performance management. Download our free guide, Mind the Gap: The Essential Guide to Workplace Accountability.

Download the Guide
Awareness is the first step toward improvement. Action is the next step. Continue learning with our free guide, Mind the Gap: The Essential Guide to Workplace Accountability.