Crucial Accountability Miniseries
Most family breakups, team disasters, and organizational failures are the result of chronic problems that people have either failed to confront or confronted poorly.
Join Scott Robley in this free miniseries and learn how to effectively discuss and influence behavior. You’ll gain skills to give feedback in a way that gets results rather than reactions.
Video 1Start with Heart
When it comes to discussing bad behavior and poor performance, the first thing to deteriorate is our motive. We judge the other person to be ignorant, incompetent, inconsiderate, or unethical—and then we respond poorly or not at all. Learn how to step back, check your motives, and adjust them so you can communicate effectively rather than offensively.
Video 2State My Path
People are unlikely to receive feedback unless they know it’s coming from a place of good intent. In this lesson you’ll learn how to share your observations and intentions with those you lead so they are more likely to receive and respond to your input.
Video 3Diagnose
It’s not enough to discuss bad behavior, there must also be a method for improving it. Dialogue gets the issue out in the open, but you need influence to change behavior. Learn how to identify factors contributing to bad behavior and how to leverage your influence to encourage better behavior.
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Crucial Accountability is the New York Times bestselling sequel to Crucial Conversations, the business classic that has taught millions how to dialogue better. It teaches additional dialogue skills to help readers address a specific kind of Crucial Conversation—one in which someone’s behavior is up for discussion. It also outlines a model and method for influencing behavior so that you can resolve problems, not just confront them.
Based on 50 years of social science research, Crucial Accountability is essential reading for managers, coaches, parents, teachers—anyone on the frontlines of leadership—and the source material for this free miniseries.

Scott Robley is an internationally recognized speaker and trainer committed to improving the world by teaching people skills to improve their lives and organizations. With more than twenty years of experience in education, training, and public speaking, Scott brings a wealth of expertise and insight coupled with high energy.